Friday, August 12, 2005

Having a blast!

The better you get at something, the better it feels. - swiped from a marketing blog. Well it's true, I think our photography has improved tremendously from last year and it really feels good that we've been nailing the shots that we want. The funny thing is the more we improve the more things we want to improve as well. I mean we're changing our albums, perfecting our post-production technique, redesigning our website, etc. But don't get me wrong, I'm loving the journey and glad that we're working together.

Photos from last week.

Sheela and Vlad prenups  

Sheela dancing with her father at the wedding. Can you feel what's she's feeling? 

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


PLDT sucks. We have no dial tone for over a week now which means no DSL for me too. According to our building maintenance, the line went dead around the time some PLDT men were fixing another unit's line. Siraniko ampucha!

You can't even talk to someone on their service repair line. You get a recorded message that trouble has already been reported. There's an option to talk to a service rep but all service reps are busy 'daw' and I can wait for one to be available. So I waited for 30 minutes and all I get is their damn jingle.

Mimi and I were finishing an album layout due last week and having no DSL meant we couldn't critique each other's layout online. I have to burn my files and bring it over to her house etc. Anyway, it's already finished just a few minor changes from the couple :)

This is my favorite spread, of course props goes to Mimi for the wonderful layout :)